These addresses and comments about medicine in Germany are designed to help doctors and other interested users to find out information on the topic of "Health in Germany" with a simple few clicks on the mouse. For further information or questions please e-mail us on. 

Health Issues for Travellers

Germany is located in north-central Europe and is favoured with a generally temperate climate. This column gives you details about vaccines, other health issues, important emergency information and medical insurance for travellers. More Information

Hospital (Clinic) Treatment in Germany
This category shows the web-adresses for health services in Germany. More Information
Jobs for Medical Doctors in Germany

This category gives information for Physicians (Medical Doctors) from EU- and Non-EU-Countries, who are interested to work in Germany as postgraduate-Trainees or Specialists. More Information

Studying Medicine in Germany
This section is for the students interested in studying human medicine in Germany and contain general information for foreign applicants together with details concerning recognition of the foreign certificates and degrees in Homeland and prior knowledge of the German language. More Information
Medical Schools Germany
Adresses of the medical schools and university hospitals in Germany. More Information


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